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A Promise For Christmas (Historical Holiday Romance) Page 2

  Charles sits back hard and looks down at the design. Failure? Is that how she really feels. “Who’s the true failure, Charles?” he murmurs and drops his pencil.

  Aiylin walks without looking around. She passes the shops in town, the bakery and the general store on her way to the livery. Her father’s carriage is inside. Nazareth is a small town, set in a beautiful lush background of green rolling hills. It is the reason her mother convinced her father to move here to start the factory.

  Langdon walks a customer to the door of his tailor shop and watches Aiylin walk past without stopping, and he frowns in frustration.

  “Thank you for your business, Mr. Potter,” he says before calling to Aiylin.

  “Miss Miller, a word please.”

  Aiylin stops walking and turns with an inward groan of frustration. “Hello, Mr. Barnett.”

  Langdon is handsome. Tall, lean and muscular, with blonde hair and brown eyes. Aiylin frowns and glances over at him. It would be much easier to like him if he weren't' so busy pushing himself at her. She's grown tired of continually rejecting him. He holds the door open to his shop, but Aiylin refuses to take the hint.

  “I’m just on my way home, Mr. Barnett. What can I do for you?” she asks.

  His eyes trail over her face, down her curvy body, lingering a little too long for her liking. She pulls her coat tighter around her dress and waits for him to meet her eyes.

  “I could think of many things you could do for me, Miss Miller,” he grins, thinking he’s funny. “For starters, you could have dinner with me tomorrow.”

  “You have no leave to speak to me with such disrespect, Mr. Barnett! I have plans, good day.” Aiylin turns to go, but his hiss of anger has her stopping in her tracks.

  “What sort of plans?” he demands, stepping out onto the sidewalk in front of her. His cheeks are flushed with anger, and his hands are fisted at his sides, causing her to step away from him.

  Every instinct in her body tells her to run, but she’s trying not to cause a scene.

  “That’s none of your concern, Mr. Barnett,” she snaps back.

  “Come inside, we need to talk,” he’s in front of her in two strides and grabs her wrist squeezing it enough to cause her to flinch in surprise. When he tries to pull her towards his shop, she stands her ground, attempting to wrench her wrist away from him. He squeezes harder causing her to inhale in pain.

  “Take your hands off me, Langdon Barnett!”

  People are starting to notice, and some are staring at them, causing Langdon to release her. “Forgive me, it’s just that you’ve left me no choice. We should talk about our future, Aiylin.”

  Aiylin rubs her wrist and glares at him. “Let me say this one last time.” Her voice trembles and her eyes flash with anger. “There is no future for us. There is no us!” She spins and walks quickly away.

  His gasp of anger follows her down the street towards the livery. “We will see about that,” he grumbles and storms back inside his shop. Trembling hands draw out a small brown vial, and he drinks from it before getting back to work.

  He needs this arrangement to work, and Aiylin is causing problems. It should’ve been easy to seduce her. She’s lovely to look at, but her strong personality is making things difficult. Everyone knows the Miller family has money. The factory is the center of employment for Nazareth.

  “It’s not like she has better prospects. You will be mine, Aiylin, one way or another,” he glares at her as she disappears inside the livery. A few minutes later, her father’s carriage drives away.

  Aiylin sits back, trembling and rubbing her wrist. She shudders, thinking of the way he’s looking at her body and now touching her so freely.

  “Perhaps it’s a good thing I’m going away,” she mumbles. “Langdon needs some time to cool off.”

  Aiylin hurries inside the family house and hangs her coat and gloves, rubbing her hands together to warm them up. “How are you?” her mother says from behind her.

  “Frozen. It’s getting colder by the day. Do you think it will snow?” she asks, turning to look at her.

  Ida frowns, “It better not. I’ve been looking forward to this trip for weeks.” She grins at her daughter. “Come warm up by the fire, I have some hot tea ready.”

  “Thank you, Mother, but I think I need to play.”

  Ida nods in understanding watching her oldest daughter hurry to the library. A few minutes later, she hears the sound she’s come to love. Aiylin is a gifted musician. Instruments love her, mostly string. Nothing compares to the haunting tones she can create with her music.

  A sound at the door has her spinning in surprise. “Charles!” she hurries to him and is greeted with a sound kiss. “What’s wrong? Why are you home early?” Ida demands.

  “Can’t a man kiss his bride? Perhaps I missed your touch,” he tugs her into his arms.

  “You never need a reason to touch me, my love,” she says, kissing him back. The music breaks through, and he puts his forehead to hers.

  “Ida, I think I’ve failed her,” he murmurs.

  “What are you talking about?” she pushes back to look up at him.

  “Aiylin believes that we think she’s a failure. I need to talk to her,” he sighs. “Come with me?” he asks, holding out a hand.

  “No daughter of mine is a failure, some of us are just late bloomers,” she takes his hand. “Now, let’s go knock some sense into her.”

  Charles stops outside the library and listens to his daughter’s music. “Listen to her, Ida. It’s beautiful and …”

  “Heartbreaking. It sounds lonely,” she sniffs, and he nods.

  They push through and find Aiylin fussing in German as she rubs her wrist. Neither move for a second and the look of surprise on her face sends them both into fits of laughter.

  “Aiylin!” her mother says, trying to sound outraged.

  “Forgive me,” she grins, “but I think he bruised it.”

  The happy moment evaporates, and Charles walks over to look down at his daughter. “Who bruised you?”

  Aiylin jumps to her feet, holding the guitar in front of her like a shield. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. You should be packing for your trip.”

  Ida walks over to take the guitar from her and steps away to put it down. She listens to them as she pours tea.

  “I already have the tickets,” Charles says softly.

  Ida’s eyes narrow as her daughter subconsciously rubs her wrist. Her anger grows at the thought of someone hurting her daughter.

  “Aiylin Miller, you will tell me what happened today!” her father growls.

  “No, Papa. I won’t. I handled it, and that’s all you need to know.”

  The front door opens, and slams shut. Mena calls out and follows her mother’s voice to the library with Patrick on her heels.

  “Aiylin!” she bursts into the room and rushes to her sister’s side.

  “Everyone’s talking about it! Are you alright?”

  “Not now, Mena!” she hisses and turns to pace in front of the fireplace.

  “Talking about what?” her father demands.

  Mena falls quiet and mouths, “Sorry,” to her sister.

  “Langdon and I had a disagreement,” Aiylin states.

  Patrick’s dark eyes shine with anger. “He had no right to touch you, Aiylin.”

  Ida has been quietly listening until now. “Did he hurt you, Aiylin?” she asks, stepping in front of Charles.

  “A little, he grabbed my wrist and insisted I come inside his shop,” she replies, looking at her Mother.

  Charles and Mena start to talk at the same time, but Ida lifts a finger, “Wait!” she hisses, and silence follows.

  “Were you afraid?” she demands and lifts her daughter's hand sliding the sleeve up to look at her wrist. It is red and swelling, but not bruised.

  “Yes,” Aqua eyes meet, and she whispers, “He was vulgar and insulting, and didn’t like it when I said no. He got rough.”

  “Has this hap
pened before?” Charles asks calmly.

  “No…, yes. I mean, he’s very forward, Papa. That’s one of the reasons I don’t trust him. He’s never touched me aggressively until now. Except to try to kiss me.” Shivers run through her body, and Mena wraps an arm around her shoulder. “There’s a darkness around him that scares me, and I think he enjoys the fear.”

  “I’m going to kill him,” Mena declares, and Patrick smiles proudly.

  “Not if I do first,” Ida snaps.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” her father asks with disappointment lacing his voice.

  “I know you are disappointed that I’m not married. Ashamed that I’m not good enough for someone…”

  “Rubbish! My daughters are a treasure greater than any found on this planet. If I’ve not made you see that, then I am the only failure. I’m proud of both of you.”

  He looks at Mena and touches her cheek with a tear shining in his eyes. “My Mena, you are so strong, to live through such loss and fight to stay with us. I wouldn’t have been so strong if I’d lost your mother. The Lord has rewarded your faith with a man who will love and protect you.”

  “Thank you, Papa,” she glances at Patrick and rushes into his arms. Turning back to his oldest daughter, he steps closer.

  “My Aiylin, how could you not know how special you are? The Lord has gifted you with an indescribable talent, though I’m not speaking of your musical abilities. That is a rare gift, but the beautiful, faithful spirit that it takes to wait on the Lord. Every breath you take makes me proud to call you my daughter.” His tears stream down his cheeks unchecked now, and he pulls her into his barrel chest.

  “Papa!” she weeps in his arms, and the relief she feels is incomparable. He presses a kiss her forehead and turns with a glare of anger. “Patrick?”

  “Yes, Sir. My carriage is out front.”

  Ida smiles when Charles turns and walks quietly from the room. Patrick follows.

  “Papa!” Aiylin shouts and runs after him, but Ida stops her.

  “No. Langdon had no right to touch you in anger. You deserve better than that. Now we are going to talk about your self-worth.”

  “Mama,” Aiylin sits down and drops her face into her hands.

  Ida sits and sips her tea while her daughters sit across from her. “We owe you an apology, Aiylin.”

  Her head jerks up, and both girls stare in surprise.

  “You heard me. Your worth is not found in the men you marry. It can only be found inside your heart. The faith you show walking with such grace makes me so proud.”

  “Even if I never marry?” she asks softly. Mena takes her hand in hers.

  “Of course, you will marry.” Her sister insists. “It just may not be on the time table we set for you.”

  “Thank you,” she murmurs. The weight that has been crushing her is lifted, and Aiylin smile is tremulous.

  “Now, Mena,” Ida says with a glance. “Were you really going to marry without us present? Are you trying to break your father’s heart?”

  Mena gasps and whips her head at Aiylin. “Don’t look at me! I didn’t say anything.”

  Ida laughs. “You girls have so much to learn. We are all taking a trip to Harrisonburg to watch you and Patrick marry. Then, your Father and I will go on our trip.”

  Mena sobs and jumps up to hug her mother. “This is what I prayed for Mama! That you’d all be with me on my special day.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it. It’s arranged. Patrick helped organize everything. His mother thinks you are going shopping with us in Harrisonburg before you go to Nazareth.”

  “Thank you!” Mena wipes her tears and smiles at her sister.

  “Does that mean I don’t have to go to his …” Aiylin starts to say.

  “No!” Mena and her Mother shout at the same time. “You’re still going to follow the plan. We will be together for the wedding and then go our separate ways,” Mena says with a small smile.

  “Fine.” Aiylin huffs. “I think I will stay in Nazareth for the weekend. Maybe do some Christmas shopping. I’m sure they have a nice hotel. I could use a break, and Langdon will probably be on the warpath after tonight.”

  “Why don’t you just send this Aunt a telegram?” She asks Mena.

  “Patrick loves his Aunt Elizabeth and doesn’t want to insult her by not showing up. It’s just a quick day trip, plus she planned a small get together and to cancel at this late hour would be rude.”

  “You forgot to mention a party, Mena!”

  “I know, but I’ve had so much on my mind. Aiylin, just mingle and have some fun. It wouldn’t kill you to get out a little and who knows, you may just meet someone special.” She teases and spins away calling out, “You will have to stay an extra day, but that works out well if you want to shop. Then be back on the next train.”

  “I’m not sure how going to a party with a bunch of people I don’t know will be fun.”

  “You promised, Aiylin.” Mena looks at her with wide eyes, “ Please, I can’t worry about his mother trying to stop our wedding again. The last time she offered to pay him not to marry me!”

  “What is wrong with that woman?” Aiylin snaps.

  “Now, girls, we are going to pray for her to find some happiness that isn’t attacking Mena. You will become part of her family once you marry Patrick. Just as he will become part of ours. There has to be a reason for her to act out this way. For now, we will let God handle it.”

  “I’m actually looking forward to getting away. I’ve never been to Nazareth. It will be a welcome relief,” Aiylin murmurs, and misses the look that passes between her mother and sister.

  Chapter 4

  Patrick picks up Aiylin and drives her to the train station the next morning. Mena and her parents are doing some last-minute shopping and meeting them at the station. “Tell me what happened last night with Langdon,” she insists.

  “We had a chat with him about how to treat a lady. Nothing for you to worry about, Aiylin. If he bothers you again, I want you to let us know. He was very confrontational. I can see why you don’t trust him.”

  “And?” she asks. “What did my Father do?”

  Patrick glances at her grinning, and Aiylin realizes at that moment what Mena sees in him. His jovial nature is a front for the dedication and steel that runs beneath. “He made sure Langdon understands that he has no right to touch his daughter or treat a lady the way he did you.”

  “Oh,” she glances away and sighs. “Tell me, why you’re willing to stand up to a man like Langdon, but not your mother.”

  Patrick jerks and looks at her in surprise. “Mena said you were outspoken.” He runs a hand over his eyes. “My mother has never gotten over the loss of my Father and brother in the war. Her heart was broken, Aiylin, and she clings to me afraid that she’ll lose me too. The only way to convince her that I will never abandon her is to prove it.”

  “You’re going to prove to her that you’re a dedicated son by marrying behind her back and stripping her of the right to attend?”

  “Don’t you think I’ve thought of that?” he grumbles.

  “Forgive me, Patrick. It’s just Mena I’m worried about. She’s caught in the middle of loving you and afraid of the next blow to strike.”

  “I know. I wish I could spare both of them. Thank you for helping us. Aunt Elizabeth is amazing. I’m hoping that she will speak to my mother and convince her to back off, once she reads my letter.”

  Patrick hands her a sealed letter and Aiylin is surprised. “I will make sure she reads it. Now, let’s focus on your wedding. Today you marry Mena!” Aiylin laughs and squeezes his arm in excitement. “I’m so happy that you found each other. I didn’t think she’d survive losing her husband, but she’s much stronger than we give her credit for. She’s a treasure, Patrick.”

  “I know it,” his smile fills her with contentment. “I’m honored that she’s trusted me with her heart. We belong together, and with time, my mother will come around.”

  “I will p
ray that you are right, until then let's enjoy this day.”

  Aiylin lets him help her from the wagon and walk to the train. They board and find to their surprise her parents have reserved a private cabin big enough for all of them to travel together. Mena unpins her hat, nervously fluttering about the cabin until she sees Patrick. Her smile explodes, and she rushes to him.

  Aiylin watches them with a smile. Some part of her feels guilty for the subterfuge, but Mena deserves better than the way his Mother has treated her. The atmosphere changes from guilt to excitement.

  Patrick and Mena wed in Harrisonburg in a beautiful white church that afternoon. Mena wears a blush pink gown and is given away by her father, Charles. It’s a beautiful, perfect ceremony with laughter, love, and tears.

  “Aiylin!” Mena calls, she throws a bouquet of flowers that land in her hands. “You’re next!” she laughs as Patrick pulls her into the carriage.

  They laugh and wave as the couple leaves for the hotel. Their train will depart in the morning for the coast where they will board a ship bound for England. Patrick surprised Mena with a trip for the holidays. They will return in three weeks, to be home the week before Christmas.

  Aiylin is not surprised that her parents leave right away and for the first time in years, she’s alone. Blessedly, alone. She checks into her hotel, to rest and enjoy her time before catching her train Friday morning.

  Chapter 5

  Langdon flinches at the pain in his own wrist, the old man had almost broken it! All for touching his daughter. He just doesn’t understand yet that Aiylin is his for the taking. He sips slowly from the small dark colored bottle, knowing that soon the pain will disappear. It will all become clear soon, once his plans fall into place. Opening and closing his mouth slowly, he notes that his jaw will be sore for a while, a man the size of Charles could have broken it if he’d chosen to. Chuckling to himself, he thinks about how every blow that has landed on him will be passed along to Aiylin so she can enjoy the pain of it.