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Dragon Singer
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Dragon Singer
Lynn Landes
Dragon Singer
Lynn Landes
Published by:
Landes Publishing
Edited by:
Shane Landes
Cover art by:
This book is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, and events portrayed in this novel are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2017 by Lynn Landes
All rights reserved.
Other titles by Lynn Landes:
Dust & Dreams
Perilous Dreams
The Angels Covenant
Covenant Breakers
Blood Covenant
Fae Queen
Shadow King
Kiss of the Herald
Serenity’s Song
Arctic Moon
Secret Friends
The Dragon Singer
Once in ages too far gone to remember Lilliana would sing. Tunes and melodies laced with magic and her voice would call to them, the ancient beasts. Deep inside the earth a dragon egg hears the melody and begins shifting and pushing its way through the crusty layers, struggling to free itself from the warm embrace of the Earths womb. Only the sound of her voice can wash away his pain.
Lilliana crouches on the ground with her long red hair dancing around her shoulders and places her hands palm down, sinking them deep into the dark rich soil. Her cobalt blue eyes glow and her iridescent wings glisten purple, blue and green, lined in black. A sudden ripple beneath her porcelain skin has dragon scales erupting and her eyes shift turning reptilian.
The beautiful song does not falter as she sings inside the magical forest. Elves surround her, dancing to the enchanted tune. The music changes and the dancers spin faster to the powerful drum beat beneath the rock; the very heartbeat of the planet. Liliana draws upon the magic created by her sisters dancing and funnels it into the earth. She sings, calling the egg to the surface. Sapphire magic erupts from her hands and she smiles.
The moment her fingertips touch the vibrating surface of the egg a spark erupts and pierces through her soul, causing her wings to snap out to their six-foot width. Her entire being vibrates from the potent magic of the dragon egg. She grasps it tightly, and the tune changes instantly to a soft lullaby.
All the Elves gather to watch as she pulls the egg free from its earthen womb. Lilliana is a glorious sight, dressed in purple silk, she glows with the glory of success. Her beauty is only surpassed by her abilities.
Only one Dragon Singer is born each millennia and she is the most powerful ever seen. Upon her upper arm, she wears a golden cuff fashioned by the finest artisans in the form of a beautiful serpent. This will become the collar for the newborn dragon. Draped in diamonds from her tiara to her long earrings she glitters from the gifts bestowed upon her by the Seelie Elf King and Queen for her many years of service.
A quick beat of her majestic wings and Lilliana lifts up her hands displaying the flaming egg. It is covered in a blue inferno of azure flames licking around it and over her hands. The song changes yet again, an ancient Celtic guitar is strummed, joined by a flute and finally her voice. The flames are snuffed out as the magical notes cool the egg and it begins to crack.
The King and Queen gather their children close to watch the birth of the newest dragon. They are revered protectors of the Elven world. Raised and trained by the Royal families the dragons are beloved companions. Each royal family is gifted with a single dragon and all are anticipating the blessed event. Laughter, music, and magic abound.
When the first piece of shell falls from the egg, Lilianna’s smile falters. The dragon scales fade from her skin and her eyes shift back to blue. Her hands tremble and when she tries to speak to warn them, a voice laughs inside her mind and Lilliana is struck mute.
Searing pain flows from the egg into her mind and she screams a warning from her soul. A brilliant explosion of red light detonates, all the Elves are frozen and at the mercy of any who are near. Her spirit cries out. ‘It was a trap! What have I done?’
A deep voice answers her cry with a demonic laugh. “Don’t worry about them, they won’t remember a thing,” Micah promises with a snarl.
Fear fills Lilliana’s eyes and she screams once more for help that will not come.
Micah is a Tiefling. She is half-elf, half-demon and all powerful. With each evil deed, the dark elves lose more of their elven characteristics and gain a new demonic trait. It is a choice each individual must make.
“For years I have watched and waited for you to sing a dragon to life and now, because of that, I shall let you live, but I have no need for the others.” She shimmers to form in front of Lilliana and draws her sword with a battle cry. The dark elves pour through the village and Lilliana is forced to watch as her people are helplessly slaughtered before her.
Micah watches while her skin gleams in the moonlight. Her solid black eyes stare transfixed by the blood. When she turns her attention to the egg in Lilliana’s uplifted hands, she is laughing. Micah is beautiful in her blood lust glory, with her long white hair blowing around her ebony skin. Clawed fingernails hold up her sword and her red demon tail flicks back and forth with excitement.
None are spared, not even the innocent children. A massive grave is dug in the ground and the torn bloody bodies are tossed inside. The demons dance around the hole, licking and tasting their victim’s blood from their gory weapons.
“You will sing this young one to life for me Dragon Singer,” Micah stands behind Lilliana and wraps her arms around the trembling singer, trailing a hand over the egg. “Or you will be forced to watch as I destroy all the Elves in this world.” Lilliana sees fangs erupt from Micah’s mouth and she is horrified.
“Yes! Surely I am blessed for these offerings today!” Micah declares licking the blood from her new teeth. “Sing for me, Lilliana,” she roars!
Lilliana is trembling when she feels the egg begin to squirm again. New life beats in her hand. A hiss behind her confirms what she must do.
“Forgive me, little one,” she whispers and begins to sing, but this is not a song of life. Heaving the egg into the air, she ignores the rage from behind her. They watch the egg shift into golden dust, to be spread on the death filled winds before the evil master can reach it.
Her world explodes in pain and she falls into blessed darkness.
Chapter 1
Modern day
“Brynley, outside with ya. Flowers need the sun to grow and so do little girls,” grandpa orders, turning off the fairy movie on the TV.
“I’m not little, Papa. I’m five!” Brynley states, stomping her foot, not the least bit frightened of the retired police chief in front of her.
“You are almost five, little one. Now take Farley outside before he loses his mind.”
Brynley stomps to the back door with the German shepherd hot on her heels. Stifling a yawn, he smiles through aged eyes and watches the two of them. Two o’clock used to be his nap time, but with his only grandchild living with him now, he can’t leave her unattended.
Edward MacLaren grabs his crossword puzzle and makes a cup of hot tea for himself and a lemonade for her. He heads out back to sit in his chair and watch over his young ward. Two months ago, he received a phone call from social services in Philadelphia. His granddaughter had died in a car accident, leaving his four-year-old great-granddaughter without a guardian. Her father was killed in the line of duty while serving his third tour in Iraq. With no other living relatives in the states, he was the only thing keeping
her from an orphanage.
Seventy-two years old and the guardian of a beautiful but headstrong great-grandchild. He can still hardly believe it, but the child needs a family. No one should be left alone in this world and as long as he has breath left in him she won’t be.
“Sit Farley.” Brynley orders, pointing her chubby finger at the ground. Farley sits and waits. The forty-three pound, chestnut haired, cherub snaps out orders like a drill sergeant and the dog is happy to obey. Brynley stands with her arm over his shoulder and whispers secrets into his ear. He licks her face sending her running away, squealing in delight and the chase is on!
It has been too long since his garden has rung with the sound of joy and laughter that only a child can bring. Edward smiles and enjoys the sunshine. This stone cottage has been his home for the last fifty-two years. His beloved wife is laid to rest in the church cemetery nearby. They bought this house as soon as they married and her gardens were her pride and joy. He tried to keep up with it after she passed, but age had stolen his energy and the gardens had withered along with his body.
They had been blessed with one son who followed in his father’s footsteps and became a police officer in Philadelphia. He was gunned down during a routine traffic stop years ago leaving his granddaughter without a father. Edwards grin fades as he thinks about burying so many of his loved ones.
Glancing at his grandchild in the yard, he feels for her. She has lost so many of the people she loved and at such a young age. That is something they share. First his son, then his wife and now his granddaughter. He isn’t upset for himself, he knows he will see them soon, but Brynley will have a longer wait. Perhaps his sister’s family in Scotland will have room in their hearts for her?
Brynley runs past the flowers and hums as she trails her fingers along the withered blooms. She dances spinning and twirling amongst the tall weeds. Her dance pauses long enough for her to speak to her new best friend.
“Farley, do you think fairies are real?” She asks the exhausted dog. He turns his head sideways as though contemplating the answer. When she puts a hand on each side of his face he stares solemnly at her as she responds, “I know they are.” He licks her again.
“Oh, Farley,” she giggles, “no more licks!” She spins off and he turns back to Edwards’s side, he plops to the ground exhausted.
Edward laughs at him. “Has the wee lamb worn you out?” Farley sniffs and rolls to his side, panting hard. Brynley plays while Edward sits in the sun and warms his bones. “The lass needs a family with children to play with, not the two of us.” With the decision made he commands, “Guard, Farley.” The dog sits up and pads over to her side. With a sigh, Edward stands up slowly and goes inside to ring his sister in Scotland. His heart is heavy with the sense of loss he feels at the possibility of losing her.
“Love is no’ selfish Edward MacLaren,” he reminds himself and picks up the telephone to make the call.
Brynley waits for Papa to go inside and decides to make a fairy house near the water fountain in the middle of the garden. Papa showed her pictures of the garden the way it looked when her great grandmother cared for it. It didn’t look like this tangled mess. She glances over her shoulder and decides to clean it up a little. She hums the song her mama taught her and the weeds shrivel, making way for the new flowers to bloom. Reds, yellows, oranges, and even purple pansies, just the way the picture showed. Brynley steps back and smiles at her handy work. Her light brown hair dances on the wind and her dark blue eyes sparkle with excitement.
‘Fairy rules, angel.’ Her mother’s voice warns her. ‘Always use natural materials or you will offend them.’ So Brynley sets off and begins collecting pebbles, rocks, sticks, and acorns. Farley runs off and comes back with a stick in his mouth.
“Thank you, Farley,” she giggles and places it on the pile. At the foot of the rocks surrounding the water fountain, she sets out to make her fairy house. First, she stacks the rocks to make a round shape, leaving a hole underneath for a small fairy to fit inside. Then she runs off to the edge of the woods behind the small cottage and peels a large piece of bark for a roof.
Finally, she lines the sticks to make a path and uses the small pebbles to make a pool for water to gather. Brynley sits back and claps her hands in delight. “Yeah,” she giggles.
Edward walks into his office inside the house and gathers her travel documents and his before checking on possible flights for the next week. He hangs up the telephone and steps outside the house to excited giggles. With a smile, he walks down the path and to his astonishment finds the colors of the garden have returned. All of the weeds have disappeared and a sea of blossoms dance in the springtime air.
Before he can speak a word she begins to hum and his knees grow weak. Brynley does not notice him behind her, she concentrates on her fairy house. Farley pads over to his side and leans against his leg. They watch as Brynley dances and hums with her eyes closed. Twirling she imagines a new fairy friend for her house and Edward’s ears begin to ring with the power gathering in the air around them.
Beyond the barrier of the Vale that hides and protects the Elves from humanity, a group of garden elves work at digging up plants needed for the potions and medicine used to heal the sick.
When she feels the magic in the air, Nyx stands up and looks at her friends mirroring their shock.
“What is that?” Rhia asks looking at Nyx.
Before she can respond there is a loud clap of air and she disappears! For a moment, no one moves and then chaos ensues. They leap to the air, wings beating, flying for the Palace of the Elf King and Queen.
Nyx is in her garden one minute and the next second she is dropped into a human garden outside of the Vale. She snaps out her wings to stop her fall and floats to the ground gracefully.
Brynley looks up at her and frowns. She stops singing and stares at the large elf before her. Her wings are long and slender like the wings of a dragonfly and her black hair is pulled into a ponytail. Her dirty green pants and brown shirt are not at all like Tinkerbelle’s dress.
Shocked speechless Nyx stared at the child and looks around the garden sensing the traces of magic still hanging in the air. Behind the child, an old man stumbles to his knees. Judging from the stunned look on his face, he is just as surprised as she is.
“Hello. Are you the one who brought me here?” Nyx asks gently.
“You don’t look like Tinkerbelle. You’re way too big to fit in my fairy house.” Brynley states, looking disappointed.
“Yes, you’re right about that. I’m an Elf, not a Pixie. Can tell me how you brought me here?” Nyx asks stooping down beside the little girl.
Brynley chews her lip and looks scared. “I’m not posed to talk about that, you gotta go now. Bye.” Before Nyx can move she is transported back into the Vale. A blink of her eyes and she is back in the garden where she was taken from. The wave of magic is felt by all the Elves who live behind the Vale as well as the ones who have chosen to live outside of it.
Nyx is terrified. Not all of the Elves are good and if this human child is as powerful as she thinks, things are about to get very complicated for her. She turns to fly and finds the Elf Queen Amalie staring at her.
“Tell me everything,” she instructs.
Nyx quickly explains and frowns when the Queen speaks to her guardsmen standing behind her.
“Bring Syrran to me, be quick about it!” The queen orders with a worried look.
Chapter 2
Syrran is curious as he stares into the eyes of the Elf King and Queen. “You wish me to bring you a human child? Why?” He demands, ignoring the cry of outrage from Glendan, the captain of the Royal Guards.
“Because your King has spoken!” Glendan demands, pointing his sword at the bored looking dark elf.
King Riordan stares at the silver-skinned Drow warrior and knows his guard is playing with fire. “Glendan, leave us.”
He growls in frustration but obeys his King and empties the room of his soldiers. “We will
be waiting just outside the door, my King.” He bows and follows, closing the door softly behind them.
Queen Amalie speaks for the first time. “Syrran, you are beholden to me. You are obligated to me for a favor. Do this for me and I will hold your debt fulfilled.”
His golden eyes do not show the surprise he feels. First Micah, orders him to capture the human child and now the Elves want her. “You are not the first to ask for this…favor, my Queen. Micah, a Tiefling in the underworld has already made efforts to claim this child. Now I am curious. Tell me why she is in such high demand for one so young?”
‘Amalie, Drow are powerful beings. They are not known for their honor,’ her husband speaks a warning to her mind.
“Syrran when you asked for help freeing your sister from the clutches of the Drow Queen Phaydra, we helped. It was the love for your sister that convinced me to help free her. You gave me your word to repay this debt and I choose this task. Only a Drow with your abilities will be able to bring the child to me.”
“I grow tired of your half-truths, there is more to this little girl. Tell me,” Syrran snaps back.
King Riordan growls and steps towards him, only to be stopped by a gentle hand from Amalie. “It’s alright, my love.” She turns to Syrran.
“Micah is plotting to overthrow the Elf kingdom, as well as the Drow dominion. If she succeeds the human world will be next.” Amalie steps closer, “But there is more. We have reason to believe that she holds the Dragon Singer captive and this human child is a Singer as well!”
This time his face reflects his astonishment. He begins to pace and he looks to the King. “It’s not possible. The Dragon Singer was destroyed along with everyone in that village, over two hundred years ago!” It was the reason he had left the Drow Dominion. Greed, envy, murder, and a lust for power that was unquenchable. Syrran had not been motivated by such things and had wanted no part of the battles that had followed the massacre.
His warnings came too late to save the village. He escaped, but his sister did not. Queen Phaydra was displeased with him and took her revenge out on his sister. It was only with the help of the Elves that he was able to secure her freedom.