A Promise For Christmas (Historical Holiday Romance) Read online

Page 5

  “Miss Miller, may I have this dance?”

  “Are you on her dance card?” Tinley demands with a glare.

  “No, I wasn’t aware the ladies had dance cards.”

  “Tinley’s teasing,” Aiylin replies. “I’d be glad to dance with you, Sheriff.”

  Sebastian watches and listens to the murmur of conversation around the room. He returns Emily to her Mother and turns away quickly. All the men are talking about dancing with Aiylin. He can see why. She seems to glow, and her kind nature is evident. He's enchanted by her graceful movements.

  The Sheriff spins her and explains that they haven’t yet caught the boy responsible for her theft. Aiylin smiles and sees Tasha is in a corner watching them with a frown of concern.

  “That’s quite alright, Sheriff,” she says. “I’m sure that you are doing your best.” The song ends, and he releases her and steps back.

  “May I have the next dance, Miss Miller?” Sebastian asks from behind her.

  “If you must,” she quips as the Sheriff bows, backing away from Aiylin. “Sheriff? Miss Fallon hasn’t danced yet,” she suggests with a smile.

  “Thank you, I’ll get right on that,” he turns and walks straight to Tasha.

  Aiylin turns to Sebastian, and her smile fades as the music begins. She has to war with her instinct to run. Everything about him has her senses coming alive. He takes her hand, and she gasps slightly at the sensation of his hand sliding over hers. It feels intimate and wrong to have so many eyes on them.

  The heat of his hand on her waist seems to radiate through her layers. They dance together, neither speaking for a moment. Her scent wraps around him, and he feels a tremor run through her body.

  “Does this count as asking permission?” he asks.

  Aiylin smiles and looks at him for the first time. “You are picking on me. That is a trait you share with Patrick.”

  He stiffens at the mention of Patrick. “Aiylin is an unusual name.”

  “Thank you, I think.” She smiles up at him. “It’s German,” she replies.

  “The Becker family is from Germany. I’m sure you knew that,” Sebastian says.

  “I’ve heard,” she comments.

  “Why are you going to kill your sister?” he asks, surprising her. Her eyes jump to his.

  “Mena is my younger sister,” she replies, “and she gets me into trouble from time to time.” It occurs to her at that moment that perhaps Mena knew Sebastian would be here. No, she wouldn’t do that, would she? Set her up without telling her?

  “How many siblings do you have?” he asks.

  “Just one,” she glances away from his eyes unnerved by the intensity in them.

  “Your choker has a musical note on it, why?” he demands.

  “That’s easy. I love music,” Aiylin smiles softly.

  “What type of music?” his deep voice has her looking into his eyes.

  “All types,” she lights up when she thinks of it.

  “Where do you live?” he asks.

  “Lockhaven. Why so many questions? I’ll be gone in the morning and out of your hair,” she frowns.

  “We should start over, Miss Miller. I think we got off on the wrong foot. If we’re to be family I’d like to get to know you better.”

  “Or perhaps you’re just nosy,” she quips. Sebastian’s hand tightens on hers, and she hisses. The music stops, and he immediately releases her and steps back.

  “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “Worry not, Mr. Becker, you didn’t, someone else did,” she reassures him.

  Elizabeth announces desert in the dining room. Rubbing her hand, Aiylin walks away to join Elizabeth at the door.

  Chapter 10

  After dessert, some of the guests leave, while others stay for coffee and conversation. Aiylin is seated at the end of a long table next to Tasha and Sheriff Dane. Tinley has climbed onto her lap and is yawning.

  “I like your necklace,” Tinley whispers.

  “Thank you, it was a gift from my sister,” she replies.

  “I don’t have a sister,” she replies with a frown. “What is it like?”

  Aiylin focuses on the child on her lap and smiles. “It’s like having a best friend forever.”

  “Oh, I wish I had a sister,” she glances away with a frown.

  Across from them sits Miss Emily May and her mother, Louisa. Sebastian sits next to Emily, and she is laughing at everything he says.

  “Miss Miller, what does your family do?” Louisa asks.

  There it is, the dreaded question she knew would come.

  “My father is a wood carver,” she replies with a small smile.

  “Oh, isn’t that interesting,” Louisa smirks, and the quiet is deafening.

  Sebastian watches her face and notes the sparkle in her eye. He realizes that she is hedging. “What exactly does he carve Miss Miller?”

  Aiylin lifts her chin and stares at him. The challenge in his eyes has her smiling.


  Sebastian’s eyes narrow before his grin grows in recognition.

  “Guitars,” Louisa says. “What in the world…” she starts to say, but her daughter shakes her head no.

  “Miller? Your father is Charles Miller, of Miller Guitars?” Sheriff Dane asks incredulously.

  “Yes,” she replies and sips her tea.

  Instantly questions are fired at her from every direction.

  “That’s the instrument you were concerned about?” the Sheriff asks.

  “Yes. It was my Grandfather’s,” Aiylin replies.

  Elizabeth watches with interest and thinks about the way she cared for it earlier. “Do you play?” she asks quietly.

  “A little,” Aiylin blushes and looks to Sebastian for help, but he is grinning like a wolf.

  “Yes, Miss Miller, you must play for us,” he demands.

  “No, I don’t think that…”

  “I prefer the piano, it’s much more refined,” Louisa snaps, interrupting her. “Emily will play for us.”

  “It’s not possible to compare a guitar to a piano. They are two completely different instruments,” Aiylin insists.

  “In what way?” Tasha asks.

  “A piano requires two hands on the keys, allowing for rhythm and melody, it’s much more difficult to do that on a guitar,” Aiylin explains.

  “Let’s retire to the living room,” Elizabeth insists. She signals Stanley and whispers for him to bring the case from her room.

  Tinley grabs her hand and chatters all the way to the living room. Aiylin glares at Sebastian as he laughs with Emily and her mother. He walks with them into the adjoining room.

  Emily sits at the piano and plays a lovely Christmas song for them, and Aiylin is forced to hide a wince as she bangs on the keys.

  “Do you play the piano, Miss Miller?” Louisa asks.

  “It isn’t my instrument of choice,” she replies as Stanley enters with her case.

  Aiylin moves forward drawn by the lure of her first love, and Sebastian watches her hands trail over the worn black leather. When she runs a hand over the case and flips the locks, jealousy flares, causing him to smile at the absurdity of the emotion.

  Sheriff Dane and Tasha walk over and crowd in behind her as she flips open the case.

  “That’s beautiful!” the Sheriff growls.

  “How long does it take to make one?” Tasha asks as Aiylin lifts it from the case.

  “Three years, start to finish.”

  “That seems like a long time,” Emily sneers.

  “Well, art takes time, Miss May. Every piece that makes up our guitars is hand carved. Two years is spent waiting for the log to dry out before the carving process can even begin. This one is made from five unique species of wood. No other guitars are made with the quality of a Miller,” she explains proudly.

  “You seem knowledgeable,” Tasha says.

  “I work at the factory with my family,” she replies.

  “Play it, Mi
ss Aiylin,” Tinley pleads. Aiylin smiles at her and slips the strap over her head, allowing the child to lead her to a chair.

  Guests are shuffling around, some talking, most not paying attention until she strums the first note. Aiylin smiles softly as the vibration ripples through her body, and the room disappears as she plays. She smiles at Tinley as she plays O’ Come All Ye Faithful.

  Tinley reaches out and touches the instrument, feeling the vibration, and smiles at Aiylin. “How does it do that? Is it magic?” she gasps in wonder.

  “No, that is skill,” the Sheriff states, dropping an arm around Tasha’s waist and pulling her close.

  “More,” Tinley pleads, and Aiylin plays a few more well-known Christmas carols before putting it away. The guests applaud, and Aiylin blushes almost as if she’d forgotten where she was.

  Sebastian watches the way it absorbs her and walks over to her. “That was lovely, Miss Miller, thank you.” His compliment catches her off guard. “Tinley, it’s time for bed.”

  “Can Miss Aiylin put me to bed?” she pleads.

  “Not tonight, she has more guests to entertain.” He watches as Tinley throws her arms around her neck. “I’m so glad you came.”

  “Me too. Sweet dreams, Tinley,” she whispers and squeezes her back.

  Sebastian takes her hand and walks her to the stairs and for the first time Aiylin wishes. She wonders what it would be like to have a family of her own. Sebastian is looking down at his daughter with a smile and her heart flutters. She wishes for a man like him. What’s wrong with having a secret wish? No one needs to know.

  Tasha walks over with Emily.

  “He’s delicious, isn’t he?” Emily says, snapping her out of her reverie.

  “I wouldn’t know,” Aiylin says and turns away to put her guitar in its case.

  “You’d have to be blind to miss it, Miss Miller.” She steps closer and hisses, “I saw him first!” she snarls, dropping the sweet façade.

  Aiylin almost laughs at the absurdity of this moment. The other part of her feels protective of Sebastian and Tinley. Her eyes flash as she faces the anger being directed to her.

  “I see. You must be the scorned woman?” Aiylin retorts.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Well, I’ve already met the one who got away,” she points to another woman glaring at her. Turning, she points at another woman she says, “That’s the one who pines but doesn’t have the nerve to act, and that leaves you.”

  Tasha and Emily stare at her in open-mouthed shock. “You can’t speak to me like that! You are a vile human being,” she turns and shouts, “Mother!” They leave with a flourish of yelling and slamming doors.

  Tasha bursts out laughing saying, “I wish you lived here. Let’s get a drink, and you can tell me how to get my hands on one of your guitars. Thanks to you, I’ve discovered the way to the Sheriff’s heart.” She loops her arm through hers, and they go off to get a drink.

  “Are the women in your town always so aggressive?” Aiylin asks.

  “Only when it comes to the richest man in Pennsylvania,” she teases.

  Aiylin jerks and looks at her in surprise.

  “Don’t tell me you didn’t know that Sebastian Becker owns Becker Steel Mill and Ironworks?”

  “I had no idea, but it doesn’t matter, Tasha, I’m leaving on the first train tomorrow.”

  “We’ll see.”

  The guests begin to filter out, and they walk Tasha and Sheriff Dane to the door. Sebastian smiles at the amount of snow on the ground.

  “Looks like you’ll be staying a few more days, Miss Miller,” Sheriff Dane says.

  “No,” she gasps and steps out onto the covered porch. Sebastian grabs a wrap and drops it around her shoulders as the last of the guests pull away. “My parents are expecting me tomorrow!”

  “I’d be glad to send a telegram for you,” Tasha says. “The general mill is also the post office.”

  “That’s very kind of you,” she murmurs, and they talk, giving her the necessary information. Aiylin walks away to say goodbye to another guest, while her mind is spinning with possibilities. If she packs quickly, she could ride back to town and catch the first train in the morning.

  “Sheriff, could you give me a ride home? It seems my ride has left without me,” Tasha says with a wink to Aiylin.

  “Of course.” Tasha lets the Sheriff help her to the wagon. They watch as they drive away into the snow, lit only by the soft glow of the lantern.

  “You’re welcome to stay as long as necessary, Miss Miller. The trains won’t run in this storm,” Sebastian says.

  “I need to go.” She turns and looks up at him. “Stanley can give me a ride to town. I can get a room at the hotel and take the first train out in the morning.”

  “No,” he walks away to the door and stomps his feet free of any snow. “Now come inside and warm up.”

  “No. What do you mean, no!” Aiylin demands following him inside the house.

  “What’s wrong, does Patrick never say no to you?” he laughs.

  “What are you talking about? I need to take the train…”

  “Miss Miller, the trains will not be running for days. I can’t ask Stanley to go out in a blizzard. What about his safety?”

  He watches her closely to see how she will react. Aiylin frowns, and nods, instantly contrite.

  “Of course, you’re right, Mr. Becker. Forgive me,” she hurries away, dropping her wrap on the hook. Sebastian watches her walk away and sighs.

  Aiylin wonders into the living area and sits at the piano. Elizabeth sits down in a chair and watches as she starts to play.

  Sebastian steps into the entry and stares at her. The glow of the fire touches her hair, making it seem redder than it is. He glances at his Mother, who smiles at him. Aiylin closes her eyes lost in the song, and they are stunned by the music flowing so smoothly from her fingers.

  “I thought you said you couldn’t play the piano,” Elizabeth teases when she stops.

  “No,” she turns to them. “I said it wasn’t my instrument of choice. The guitar is my first love, but I discovered at Tinley’s age, a world of other instruments. I tried them all. Thankfully my parents were very tolerant.” She laughs, thinking about it.

  “How many instruments do you play?” Sebastian asks, sitting next to her on the piano bench. Aiylin’s heartbeat accelerates, and she glances away nervously.

  “A few,” she replies.

  “Why do you do that? Evade a question,” he asks in all seriousness.

  Her stunning eyes meet his as she chews her lip nervously, causing his eyes to drop to her mouth. “Because not everyone understands it.”

  “What’s not to understand? You are a gifted musician. It’s incredible,” he replies.

  Aiylin blushes, “Thank you, but there are some who wouldn't share your opinion.”

  “Does Patrick?” he demands.

  “Patrick could care less what I do with my time. I work for my Father during the day, helping to run the factory.”

  “I’m going to bed children,” Elizabeth says quickly and tells him to make sure the house is locked up. “Aiylin storms like this could last for days, and the dig out may take longer. Please don’t fret about staying with us. You are more than welcome. We are perfectly safe here.”

  “Days?” She leaps to her feet, “But, I have to get back to work…”

  “I’m sorry child, but these things happen. Good night.”

  She stares after Elizabeth and hurries to the window to look out at the snow. It’s coming down so thick that she can no longer see the lantern. “No,” she mumbles, and the room falls quiet with just the two of them. Only the crackling of the wood in the fireplace is heard.

  “Aiylin, explain to me why my cousin doesn’t touch you and could care less about what you do with your time, yet still you plan on marrying him?”

  Frustration flows through her. “I thought your Mother explained this to you already.” She turns and steps closer to
him and speaks slowly, “I am Aylin Miller. My Sister, Mena Miller, married your cousin Patrick two days ago at a simple, and beautiful ceremony. It was all in the letter I gave your Mother.”

  Sebastian stares at her in relief and surprise. Finally, it all makes sense. “I thought you were the one marrying Patrick.” He replies. “A letter you say.” He glances away and growls after his Mother.

  “Elizabeth said that she would explain everything to you.” Aiylin glances at him and backs away.

  He’s looking at her thinking what a fool he’s been acting.

  “Thank you for your hospitality Mr. Becker,” she starts to back away. “I should retire, it’s been an eventful day.”

  “That it has, Miss Miller,” he smiles as she hurries out of the room.

  Sebastian walks over to the window and squints into the dark. The glow of the lantern is barely visible. “Just exactly what did my daughter wish for?” he wonders.

  Chapter 11

  Aiylin wakes and shivers in the early morning light. Her room is chilled, and the fire is low. She adds a few logs before walking over to the window and stares in astonishment at the blizzard blowing just outside her room.

  “The world is white!” she gasps and wraps her arms around herself.

  The door opens, and tiny footprints warn her of what’s coming. She spins, and Tinley is standing, shivering in the doorway. “My room is cold,” her teeth chatter, and Aiylin calls to her.

  “Come on, love, climb in with me.” She pulls the covers back, and Tinley doesn’t have to be told twice. Diving into the bed, she giggles and waits for Aiylin to climb in with her.

  “It’s simply too early to get up,” Aiylin yawns and draws the covers up. “Why are you awake?”

  “My fire went out, it was cold.” She yawns and rolls over into Aiylin’s arms. Soon she is breathing heavily.

  “What am I thinking?” she strokes a hand over Tinley’s head. This is a strange feeling, holding a child in her arms. Something shifts inside her heart, and it scares her.

  The Lord demands that we trust him, even if she had long since given up hope of having this for herself. Holding Tinley changes everything, and it’s terrifying. “Lord, what am I going to do now?” she whispers.