Dragon Singer Read online

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  He takes her memories, experiencing her pride at being the chosen Dragon Singer, next the murder of the past King and Queen along with her people, her family. Syrran feels her remorse at having to destroy the dragon and hears its whispered acceptance as she chooses it fate. He sees the years of torture, torment and abuse at the hands of Micah and her followers. He watches, three shadows tearing her wings from her shoulders slowly, one wing at a time. Her wings are tossed at her feet to rot and turn to dust along with her hope. Syrran is trembling with the horrors she has faced.

  Lilliana slams closed a barrier and shoves him from her mind.

  Unable to fathom how she survived, he absorbs the blow when she strikes him, rocking him back on his feet.

  “You had no right!” Whirling around, Lilliana storms into the house without looking back. Syrran doubles over and grasps onto the railing outside as he waits for the images to slow. The physical torture was expected and he knows based on what Nienna experienced what she would have been put through, but that was with the Drow. Not Micah. When he releases the railing, the steel tubing is collapsed flat from the force of his rage.

  Now he will kill Micah slowly, but first, he will strip from her all of her power, making her impotent in this world. Syrran stumbles into the kitchen, ignoring the sound of the shower running and pours himself a drink from the bar. He shoots the alcohol and drinks a second not bothering to see what it is. Anything to calm the fury and block the images from his mind.

  Lilliana steps into the glass enclosed shower in the back room and allows the scalding water to burn her memories away. Her tears mingle with the water and she scrubs and scrubs at her skin trying to wash off the shame. As she rinses her hair, she senses him before he enters.

  “Have you no boundaries, Syrran!” She snaps off the shower and pushes open the door. “Is this what you want, for me to bare my soul and my body to you?” She screams at him. “Must you know everything they did to me, heart, body, and soul? Do you want to know how they tore my wings from me one at a time and raped me of all hope?” Tears flow unchecked down her pale face and he simply stares at her.

  She stands in all her beauty, tall, lean, and naked. Trembling with her rage and shame she stands before him. The water drips down the ribbons of scars and bruises that cover her body to pool at her feet. He simply takes a large towel and wraps it around her, tugging her close.

  “You must understand that I am Drow, Lilliana. I am not a gentle elf. You cannot hide from me, but if you trust me, I will be your refuge. I will cherish and protect you and I will consume you with passion, honesty and most of all… Hope.”

  Her mouth falls open, “Hope?” She laughs a bitter laugh “Are you serious? I have no hope left, they stripped me of it Syrran. I am shattered. All of the light that once lived in my soul is cloaked in darkness. I will never be the same person again. They took my wings and with them all my faith…” she sobs and leans her forehead on his chest. He sweeps her up into his arms and carries her into his master bedroom. A large fire roars and he sinks into the chair next to the hearth and holds her.

  Hysterical now she leans back and stares at him, “I can never sing again, I can’t control what happens when I do. Syrran, I fear what I would release on this earth if I do…” she holds onto him and cries herself to sleep in his arms.

  “My sweet Lilliana, I will show you how to fly without your wings, they will not win. Together we will heal your soul so you can sing once more,” he promises and somehow his words find a home in her heart.

  Chapter 10

  To a Drow, magic is a natural part of one’s essence. “We are tested when young to see what potential we have. I knew I would be seen as a bigger threat if they discovered the magic inside of me, so I hid it. I will teach you how to do the same. Do you understand?”

  Brynley is sitting on the grass facing Nienna and she frowns, wringing her tiny hands together. “Will it hurt?”

  Nienna is surprised at the question. “No, sweets. Why would it hurt?”

  “Sometimes, when I try to hold my magic inside, it burns.” Nienna’s hand covers hers. Compassion and anger boil for this child.

  “Don’t be mad at them, they didn’t know how to help me,” Brynley whispers.

  Surprise flickers for a second on her face before she hides it. Clairvoyance is obviously one of her talents. “Brynley when you look at people do you see colors around them?”

  Dark blue eyes stare hard searching Nienna before turning to look at her Grandpa before answering. “Yes, My mama was pink unless she was worried, then she would glow with red and sometimes black.”

  “Excellent. People will glow with usually one color, but those who can see deeper will always find a balance. That is because no one person is all good or all bad. The pink symbolized her love for you and the black her fear of losing you. I see gray when I look at your Grandpa and some blue. The blue is for peace and the gray is for age. We all have a little black outlining each trait because fear is hard to overcome.”

  “The bad ones were all dark.”

  “That’s right. You can use this gift to help you read people. If you see someone’s aura is all black, they are dangerous. Stay away from them at all costs.” They spend an hour learning about colors before moving on to blocking her magic.

  She is a patient teacher and after three days of lessons, Brynley can shield herself and anyone close to her. “This is amazing to watch,” Edward says from his seat on the deck.

  “You have no idea how powerful she is, do you?” Nienna sits beside him waiting for him to answer.

  “I only know what I’ve witnessed. Why? Tell me what you see when you look at her,” he asks.

  “Edward, it took me three years to learn what she has learned in three days.” Ignoring his questions she leans forward and says, “Tell me about her parents. Are you sure they do not have Elven blood?”

  “I have heard stories,” his eyes grow distant as he searches his memory, “When I was a child, my grandmother would tell us stories but I don’t remember the details. Only scents and sounds. If we contact my family I’m sure they could give us more information.”

  “We may have to do that soon. I can’t train her if I don’t know what I’m dealing with. Until my brother contacts me, I will teach her all I can.”

  “Thank you lass that is all we can ask.”

  Later after dinner and bath, Edward sips his tea in the kitchen waiting for Nienna to take her evening walk by the river. As soon as she leaves he makes a call.

  Nienna sighs on the banks of the river behind the rental house. She tries once more to reach her brother. With her hands spread out over her scrying bowl, she whispers the spell and finds only darkness.

  “Come on, Syrran, where are you?” Frustration boils inside her as she tries for the fourth time to contact him. “It is useless tonight. At least I can soak up the magic of this land.” Where Elves of the light need sun, Nienna seeks the glimmer of the moonlight. Rising up on her toes, she decides to follow the trail of silver moon beams. Shaking off the human image she holds, she sheds her human clothing, wearing a sheer body suit underneath. She sets her crossbow and short swords beside the clothes. She can’t run as well weighed down by the weapons.

  Edward and Brynley are sleeping as most humans do, but her body no longer requires the same amount of rest as a normal human. Nienna soaks in the moonlight and runs, blocking out the stress and worry.

  Gage’s patience is rewarded hours later when he feels the flash of unknown magic again. He springs into the air and soars through the night sky seeking the origin of it. In hawk form, he flies away from the beach and towards the forests.

  A silver flash appears below in the trees, he follows in the air, trailing and watching. He is shocked at the speed at which the creature is moving. ‘It must be an immortal or something related,’ he thinks to himself because no human could move that fast. His role is to protect all the species in this community until his brother returns. An unknown source of magic is a
definite threat until proven otherwise in his mind.

  Nienna smiles as she runs. Exhilaration fills her mind as the wind blows back her light blonde hair. The moon light passes through the sheer material and strengthening her body, she glows with the power of it. Her muscles pump as she races through the forest.

  Born a human slave in a Drow family Nienna was considered a mongrel by the pure blooded community. Though treated horribly by most, she was considered more valuable than the other slaves. Perhaps because the half breeds carry superior traits with none of the weaknesses and all of the benefits. Resentment runs deep in the Drow world. Her human blood strengthened her body, allowing her to move in the sunlight easily. While her Drow attributes strengthen her in the moonlight, giving her speed, strength and a bit of magic.

  Tonight she seeks the solace the moonlight provides. Near the river, she slows to a stop and leans down to dip her hands in the cool running water.

  Nienna is about to drink when the call of a hawk sounds out overhead. Standing to her feet she scans the sky overhead and spots the bird circling. Her keen eyes pick out that this is no ordinary hawk. The white markings on its wings and tail make it easily identified as a threat.

  Nienna turns around, but only makes it three steps before he lands in front of her. His great white wings block her path and buffet her hair as he lands. A large muscular angel with tan skin, dark wavy hair and the golden eyes of the bird stands before her.

  His sharp eyes scan her from head to toe. Every movement is tracked by eyes identical to the hawk. Black tattooed markings flow from above his ear to a point between his brows, highlighting the movement of his eyes.

  Nienna’s heart is pounding and she feels every bit like his prey. She reaches for her weapons that are not there, only to curse at her stupidity. The Angels of this world are warriors, but she is not totally defenseless. Straightening her spine she smiles at him and purrs, “Have you come to run with me, Angel?” Her voice is heavily laden with magic and allure. ‘Not all weapons need an edge to be effective.’ She thinks as she looks at the beautiful angel.

  Her voice floods his body with a sudden urge to take her on the bank of this river. Astonishment fills his mind and his eyes close for a second against the onslaught of sensations. Gage’s gaze snaps open and he rakes his eyes down her luscious body and back up again. He is flooded with lust as his eyes caress her from her feet up her strong muscular legs. The sheer material hides nothing from him and his mouth pools with the thought of tasting her, goose bumps erupt and he struggles to control his pounding heart.

  Nienna has never been appreciated for her curves, elves are tall and elegant and she is barely five foot three on a good day. It was always a source of abuse from those who held her captive but in this moment with this angel, she is thankful for every inch of her body as he seems to drink in the sight of her.

  A cool wind blows her hair away from her face, revealing her elven shaped pointed ears. Gage is stunned by the exquisite beauty before him. Her sharp features coupled with her energy tells him all he needs to know, but there is something not typical about this creature as the realization hits.

  “Why are you here, Drow?” Disdain fills his voice.

  Nienna struggles not to reveal her hurt. She can read the disgust in his eyes and voice as he judges her.

  Feigning boredom, she stoops back down to the river once more to drink. She squats down and fills her hand, drinking her fill allowing the water to trace down her chin and front of body. Gage snaps his wings shut and steps beside her.

  Nienna glances up with glistening lips and smiles, causing a torrent of hot sensation and images to fill his mind. Standing up slowly she steps closer to his body to share his warmth. “I am visiting friends. Is that against some unwritten rule, Angel,” she asks softly.

  Magnolia blossoms, rich, heady and intoxicating wraps around him, taunting him, daring him to take her. His eyes drop to her lush pink lips and curvaceous body. With her luscious breasts pressed against him he can barely control his desire.

  Nienna is ignorant of his internal struggle, she feels a darkness that is closing in around them. ‘Dammit, how had she missed it?’

  Gage feels her fear before the danger closing in around them.

  “No,” her eyes lock onto him as she realizes that he is their sole chance at survival. They reach for each other at the same instant. Nienna wraps her arms and legs around his body and holds on. Strong hands grasp onto her tightly as she barks, “Fly!” Gage doesn’t respond, instead, he leaps into the night air away from the immediate danger surrounding them. Nienna buries her face in his neck, terrified he will drop her. Beneath her hands, she can feel the ripple of raw power as his muscles work to fly then to safety.

  “My friends are down there,” Nienna murmurs close to his ear. “Will you help us?” Gage’s arms tighten around her and his body responds to the feel, sound, and scent of her.

  “Show me where.”

  Chapter 11

  Brynley jerks awake and struggles not to cry out loud. Farley looks at her and licks her hand. “The bad ones are coming, Farley.” He bounds off the bed and pads softly out of the room, heading across the hall to Edward’s room. Brynley follows, carrying her pink blanket.

  “Papa… wake up.” She pokes him and calls his name louder. Edward jerks awake with a pounding heart. Farley’s soft woof has him sitting up quickly.

  “I’m up,” he groans and swings his legs over the side of the bed. “What’s wrong, angel?”

  “We have to leave now, Papa. They found us again,” she whispers. Edwards knows better than to question her intuition.

  “Nienna will…” he starts to say, but she interrupts him.

  “No. Papa, she is not back yet, but I think I can find her.” She reaches for his hand and places her other hand on top of Farley’s head.

  “Close your eyes, Papa. Nienna taught me how to find her.” By closing her eyes, she can picture the person she wants the same way she brought Nyx the Elf to her. “Watch this,” she giggles. Closing her eyes, she places the image of Nienna in her mind and holds it.

  One second Nienna is held firmly in the arms of the angel and the next she is gone. Unfortunately, Nienna doesn’t land as gracefully as Nyx did. She crashes down onto the side table beside Edward’s bed with a loud yell.

  “Glory be!” Edward shouts. “Nienna, are you okay?” He hurries to her side to help her stand up. She is laughing as she groans and stumbles to her feet amidst the debris.

  “No worries, Edward. It is only my pride that is injured. Well done, Brynley, but we have to go now.” She seizes their hands and pulls them down the hallway to the front door.

  Farley begins to growl low in his chest and the hair on his back stands up. Edward stops walking and reaches for Brynley when she starts to cry.

  “Edward, get him. We have to move,” Nienna urges.

  “Not that way. Something is out there.” Edward snaps. Farley shoves them with his nose, pushing them away from the front door.

  “This way!” Edward leads them to the back of the house.

  “Okay. Good dog.” Her mind is running, looking for a way out. ‘Think Nienna! We are found, we need a safe place to go but where.’ She follows Edward and whispers, “Where will we be safe…” a grin spreads across her face as she turns to look at them.

  “Brynley, do you remember how we did it earlier. See the image in my mind and help me, okay?” Brynley nods and reaches for her hand while Edward grabs Farley’s collar. “Brace yourselves.” Nienna pictures his face, the feel of his body, warm and strong against hers. In his arms, she felt protected and safe. Will it be enough?

  One minute Gage is flying with Nienna held safely against his body and the next second, she’s gone! He hovers mid-air and spins looking for signs of her. Below him the shadows shift, flowing like a tidal wave towards a small house in the distance.

  The windows explode in the front of the house as Micah’s horde pours in ransacking and searching for their pre

  Gage lands in a tree behind the house. Fear flickers to life in his soul for the first time. Followed quickly by a jolt of astonishment. Angels don’t feel fear!

  As the horde pours from the forest then into the house, he knows it by name. Fury quickly follows. How dare they try to take her from him!

  “She is mine!” Gage roars as the panic coming from Nienna beats at him and all rational thought disappears.

  The sword of an Archangel sings when drawn in battle and his is singing a song of destruction. He calls to his brother to come to his aid. Leaping to the air he circles gathering speed and crashes through the roof detonating into the center of the demons inside. The horde screams from the glory of the light coming off his body. Some try to flee while others hold their ground and fight, but none will survive the wrath of this angel.

  Micah is almost inside the house when she feels the child flee to safety. Then the angelic glow explodes into the center of the house she hisses in frustration, “What is that doing here?” A snap of her whip, she gives the order to attack, “Don’t let him escape!”

  She circles around the back of the home with her personal guard hoping to trap him against the rest of her army. Just the thought of Angelic blood has saliva pooling in her mouth. It is a powerful and addictive elixir she has tasted before so her need for it is barely contained as she stalks into the house.

  Amongst the bloody melee Gage feels a flash of magic that he recognizes. The onslaught of the demons slows as a new, more powerful threat approaches him. He waits knowing the demons are merely pawns to the true master. Now that the Drow female somehow escaped, he must do the same. He starts scanning the room he is in for an exit to use.

  “Leaving the party so soon, Angel? I was hoping to dance with you.” Micah’s white hot rage is concealed behind her obsidian eyes and red lips. Her tail whips out and slices Gage across the chest sending a spray of blood on the demons cowering around him. The venom laced in the sharp tip of her tail burns his skin and he hisses in pain. Micah laughs and licks at the blood on her tail, tasting the rich flavor. Closing her eyes, she purrs at the power of it. She watches fascinated as his wound begins to heal, while pushing out her acidic venom.